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Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology

Data Workflows 101 Workshop

Data Workflows 101: Acquisition, Manipulation, and Visualization

Day 1 Session 1 (11:00 AM MDT)


Patrick Clemins
University of Vermont

Getting your data into the input format required by your model is one of the most labor-intensive tasks in computational modeling. And for those of us that aren’t skilled programmers, it’s also one of the more difficult. And then, your PI wants to change datasets or study area, or even the model you are using, and you have to change hundreds of lines of code and throw out all that good work… or do you? This workshop is designed to help attendees think about how to build data processing workflows and create a modular structure for their code to improve code maintainability and flexibility for different datasets, areas of study, analyses, visualizations, and even different models. Along the way, we’ll demonstrate a toolbox worth of Python modules such as pandas, GeoPandas, Xarray, Matplotlib, HoloViews, and Google Earth Engine to help attendees acquire, manipulate, and visualize their data.

Learning Outcomes:

